Costa Rica is a small country situated in the Caribbean and much known for its natural heritage and epic wild life. There are many good reasons to visit Costa Rica this summer, as summers has started in most of the parts of the world. Although, Costa Rica is located in the tropical region therefore there is very slight variation in its climate, but still this is the best time of the year to visit this country and explore its natural beauty. Now, biggest question is why you should visit this country and what is it in this country which calls you there. Well, as of now there are several solid reasons for someone to visit Costa Rica and explore its natural beauty, but most of the people visit Costa Rica more to enjoy fishing. Costa Rica is one such country that offers a wide range of fishing adventures and excursion tours.
You will be able to enjoy different forms of fishing in Costa Rica like off shore fishing, in shore fishing, ocean fishing, extreme sports fishing and more. Perhaps the most popular form of fishing in Costa Rica is the FAD fishing. Fad fishing in Costa Rica is been done since ages, but these days it is been opened for tourist as well. That means guest from different parts of the world could try their hands on fad fishing. So, this summer why you don’t visit to Costa Rica and try your hands on FAD fishing.
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